Uplifting Love Poem: Self Love & Self Worth

Published by @RodrickWrites on

Encouraging Inspiring Self Love Poem: Self Love & Self Worth by Rodrick Bates

All women and men really need to understand this,
You can’t fly high in love until self love has truly landed. 
If you don’t love yourself,
How could you look at someone else and demand it? 
If you don’t know your worth
You could cheat yourself out of what you deserve,
And love may never go the way that you planned it. 
No one can set a better example
Of how to treat you better than you can. 
If you attempt to give your love away
When self-love and self-worth are not present,
Your heart could get more jagged edges than a used can. 
It’s hard to give someone something that you don’t have.
It’s harder to be faithful to something that doesn’t exist. 
Love is supposed to be a gift,
But if you don’t love yourself before you attempt to unwrap it,
All you’re just giving away a wish.
When you learn your worth and become faithful to yourself,
You won’t let any woman or man use you again and again,
Abuse you again and again, or lose you again and again.
Self-love gives you strength to be faithful to who you are,
And build a low tolerance for people who leave you with scars. 
If you go to bed every night with the same person
Who makes you feel worthless when you wake up,
You don’t know your worth, because there is no self-love. 
Loving yourself decreases your chances of being misled
By temporary pleasures that never take love off the shelf. 
You should love and appreciate yourself so much
That no one could ever depreciate your wealth.
Self-love gives you more control over your heart.
When you love yourself as a whole,
You won’t let a sole tear you apart.


Rodrick Bates is a profound and articulate writer who aspires to touch the hearts of countless readers. You can connect with Rodrick via social media @RodrickWrites.